coyer candle co 16 oz driftwood mason jar candle

Pint Mason Jar Driftwood Candle


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Pint Mason Jar Driftwood Candle


Pint Mason Jar Driftwood Candle

Founded in Midland, Michigan by Scott + Lisa Coyer in 2008, the swirled candle is Coyer Candle Co’s signature look and keeps them unique! Each candle is created to look different from the next. With their team, they handcraft their products using ingredients that are thoughtfully sourced to create safe, sustainable, cruelty-free, phthalate-free, and never tested on animals. The candles are handcrafted with fragrance oils that consist of natural and man-made materials, cotton wicks and 100% soy wax that is sourced locally in the USA.

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Pint Mason Jar Driftwood Candle

Size: 16 oz

Condition: New

Founded in Midland, Michigan by Scott + Lisa Coyer in 2008. The swirled candle is Coyer Candle Co’s signature look and keeps them unique! Each candle is created to look different from the next. With their team, they handcraft their products using ingredients that are thoughtfully sourced to create safe, sustainable, cruelty-free, phthalate-free, and never tested on animals. The candles are handcrafted with fragrance oils that consist of natural and man-made materials, cotton wicks and 100% soy wax that is sourced locally in the USA.

Pint Mason Jar Driftwood Candle

You can sniff-test our products in person at our retail store in downtown Midland, Michigan.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in




Item Condition


Item Type


